Activities & Events

Arts & Festival Festivals

These semi-annual events highlight The Maddux School’s integrated arts curriculum with focus on authors and literary styles, along with an in-depth study of famous artists and art genres. Families are encouraged to participate and view magnificent student-created works of art and literature, impressive presentations and exhibit tours.

Back to School Night

We include an organized presentation by teachers and therapists to familiarize parents with the routines and objectives of students’ particular classrooms. Please note that this is an evening event designed for parents. We are unable to provide childcare. Details will be announced.

Clean-Up Time

We utilize clean-up time to help children re-group and transition to more structured activities. It serves as a great opportunity to practice responsibility and to work together to follow directions and improve organizational skills.

Coffee & Conversation

Parents and Maddux Administrators meet for informal discussions about parenting strategies and topics of interest. Watch for specific schedule announcements throughout the year.

Concluding Circle/Meeting Time

This short, end-of-the-day routine allows students to review the day’s events, check out and prepare to leave. It’s a time for closure and winding down after a busy day at school. We may read stories, review homework assignments, sequence events, change the calendar and always anticipate something exciting for the next day.

Fall Harvest Festival

Parent-volunteers coordinate a bake/pumpkin/plant sale and a number of seasonal activities for this beloved annual event, which has come to include current and alumni families and teachers, music, treats and other entertainment. We invite parents to assume leadership roles and join in the fun and fundraising.

Field Day

Annual Field Day features activities led by occupational therapists and physical education teachers. Students participate in a range of indoor and outdoor events to inspire cooperation and raise school spirit. 

First Day of School

Regular full-day from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm for all students. Parents should use the carpool line for drop-off and dismissal. Staff will greet each student at the car.

Holiday Celebration

Students, families and staff gather for school-wide musical presentations and sing-a-long. Early dismissal for winter break follows the program. School resumes after the new year.

Last Day of School

The last day of school includes a school-wide family picnic. Parents are asked to bring food, drinks and blankets for this special time to say good-bye as the school-year concludes.

Morning Meeting

This teacher-directed full-class group activity targets language, cognition, academics and socialization. We may discuss the days of the week, the plans for the day, special topics (e.g., the weather, a birthday, a child’s haircut, new shoes, visit to the dentist, etc.). We sing songs, count, read, talk, listen, develop phonics or rhyming skills, recognize sight word vocabulary, interpret photographs and make predictions. Kindergarten, First and Second Grade students read “The Daily News” and may say the Pledge of Allegiance. They discuss Journal topics and review homework assignments. The sessions are spirited, highly participatory and set the tone for the day.

Parent Association

Meetings are held during the school day and provide an excellent opportunity for parents to share ideas and coordinate events. The group plans several family events throughout the year and assists with fundraising and staff appreciation events. Open to all.

Parent Conferences

We assemble each child’s teaching team to provide opportunities to discuss students’ strengths, challenges, progress and, when applicable, transition from Maddux. Additional information may be found in the Parent Handbook.

Parent Speaker Series

The Maddux School offers informative, evening presentations by respected medical or educational professionals throughout the school year. The program is free-of-charge for Maddux parents.

Play & Center Time

We facilitate interactive play with peers, model language, introduce cognitive concepts and encourage socialization during periods of guided play as well as during less-structured or free-choice activities. Center time involves small-group projects focused on sensory warm-up; applying academic concepts; fine/visual motor skills; art; games and story writing. Throughout all grades, we emphasize staying engaged, making choices, learning to compromise, developing coping strategies, sharing ideas, conversing and handling social challenges.


Daily recess provides opportunities for exercise, improving gross motor skills, increasing confidence through developing new skills, having fun on the playground equipment and appreciating the outdoors. Teachers encourage children to explore ideas through play, to expand their repertoires, and to use free time constructively and safely. When the weather precludes outdoor play, we organize motor activities within the building.

Second Grade Commencement

We celebrate our second graders’ accomplishments and transition to new schools with a ceremony including individual student speeches and highlights of their progress.

Snack & Lunch Time

Eating together provides a natural setting for oral motor work, social language, self-help skill practice and tasting new foods. Students set the table, open their containers, and clean up. Through these activities, we facilitate conversations among students and use preparation activities to sort, count, describe, make predictions, create patterns, and label foods. We also host a school-wide lunch for children to practice social skills, independence, and flexibility in a large cafeteria setting.

Sneak Peek & Orientation

Orientation is generally scheduled one day before school starts so students and parents can meet new teachers, greet classmates and familiarize themselves with the classroom. Attendance is strongly encouraged but not required.

Spirit Week

Spirit Week is a week of celebration! Dress themes and school-spirit activities mark each day.

Spring Auction

We celebrate through our largest fundraising and community-building event of the year. Chaired by Maddux parents, this annual event raises critical funds to enhance programming, purchase needed equipment and maintain the highest levels of staff training. Participation allows parents an opportunity to socialize, build comradery and contribute to the school’s ongoing pursuit of excellence.

Story Time/Book Nook

Language and concept-based story times include traditional literary favorites as well as unit-related choices or teacher and student-generated selections. Students develop comprehension skills as they learn to ask and answer questions, review content, talk about characters, make predictions and sequence events. Through our integrated arts and literacy curriculum, visuals, songs, motor activities, dramatic play and art often supplement story time and instill a love of books and learning. Each classroom has books available for children to enjoy independently.